How to Buy IPO Stock

How to Buy IPO Stock

Although many people may think of tech startups going public, many of the most successful IPOs occurred in other industries. For example, General Motors raised $20.1 billion after its IPO in 2010, the largest IPO in history for any American company. Of course, an IPO...
Potential 2020 IPOs

Potential 2020 IPOs

An initial public offering, more commonly known as an IPO, is an event where a company becomes public and can sell its shares in the stock market. By allowing investors to purchase the shares of a company, an IPO is able to provide companies with additional capital...
The IPO Preparation Process

The IPO Preparation Process

Each company that goes public will experience a different path as they strive to raise capital and gain interest. Still, there are typical processes and patterns that tend to occur regardless of industry. Understanding the average timeline of an IPO is important for...