
Insights from Gregg Jaclin on Finance, IPOs, and Business Growth


It’s easy to get market terminology mixed up when looking at IPOs and ICOs. It’s even easier to find a failing investment […]

Why Some IPOs Fail

IPOs often generate excitement from the investment community because they imply new opportunities for earning income. Sometimes IPOs are for new companies […]

Potential 2020 IPOs

An initial public offering, more commonly known as an IPO, is an event where a company becomes public and can sell its […]

IPO vs Direct Listing

IPO stands for initial public offering. It refers to a corporation offering shares of its stock for sale to the general public. […]

Buying Pre-IPO Stock

When it comes to IPOs, many investors prefer to buy stock before it goes public. The advantage to this is that you’re […]

How to Find an IPO to Invest In

IPO stocks are a hot market right now. As a group, they’re outpacing the broader market 2-to-1. There is potential for a […]

Top Performing IPOs in History

Initial public offerings, more commonly known as IPOs, provide investors with the opportunity to purchase shares at a discount when they are […]

The IPO Preparation Process

Each company that goes public will experience a different path as they strive to raise capital and gain interest. Still, there are […]

How Stocks Are Classified

When getting started in investing, the stock market may be among the first places you look. After all, public equities like stocks […]

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Helping You Navigate IPOs, Private Equity, and Business Growth

© Gregg Jaclin 2025